Maintenance NotesTrim Tab Hinge PlayAnother Bearhawk owner found play in both pitch trim tab hinges. Upon inspection I found the same issue with mine. At the time we tried...
Maintenance NotesElevator rubbingDuring initial assembly we found my right elevator torque tube to be in very close proximity to the adjacent support bracket. I had...
Maintenance NotesPart Numbers for Maintenance ItemsThis page contains a list of routine maintenance parts together with part numbers for easy ordering as they apply to my Bearhawk 4B....
Maintenance NotesControl Stick playA number of Bearhawk builders had noted an (annoyingly) high amount of control stick play in the fore-aft axis. The play appears to come...
AssemblyOratex FabricThere's often a discussion among builders regarding which fabric system to use. I used Polyfiber fabric, combined with Stewart Systems...
AssemblyW&B SpreadsheetDownloadable Spreadsheet W&B Download here : This spreadsheet uses Numbers or Excel, and operates on an ipad or iphone. It contains a...