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Part Numbers for Maintenance Items

This page contains a list of routine maintenance parts together with part numbers for easy ordering as they apply to my Bearhawk 4B. Please check that they will be suitable for your aircraft before using the part numbers for ordering.

Please email me if you have other part numbers that can be added to this page.


Flap Pulleys

Fuel Cap O ring


Landing Gear

Brake Caliper O Rings (Viton)

Brake Pads



Gascolator O rings

Engine Oil

Oil Filter

Spark Plugs




This information is the authors opinion and only applies to the authors own aircraft. It is derived from a variety of sources which may not be correct or up to date. All amateur built aircraft are different and the information may not be relevant to any other aircraft. We recommend getting specific instruction on a Bearhawk aircraft before flying your own one.

©2019 by Bearhawkblog.

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